Advanced Power Alliance

- Resource Adequacy Assessments (2020, 2023)


- Resource Adequacy Study (2018)

Alabama Power
- 2020 Testimony Support

Alliant Energy
- Resource Adequacy Assessments (2020)
- Flexibility Study (2020, 2021)

- Flexibility Study (2020, 2021)
- IRP Support (2021, 2022, 2023)

American Clean Power (ACP)
- 2023 Capacity Accreditation Support Studies

- 2023 Resource Adequacy Study

California IOU’s
- Joint IOU ELCC Study (Update on ELCC (2017), Study Report 1 (2020), Study Report 2 (2020), Study Report (Final) (2021), Update on ELCC (2022))

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
- Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) Study for the State of California (Joint IOUs Update on ELCC) (2016))
- California ELCC Analysis (2017)
- Energy Storage Capacity Value Study (2019), (2019-2020 IRP Battery ELCC Analysis)
- 2021 IRP Support: Incremental ELCC Study for Mid-Term Reliability Procurement
- 2023 IRP Support: Incremental ELCC Study for Mid-Term Reliability Procurement (January 2023 Update)

- 2021 ERCOT Market Analysis

Charles River Associates (CRA)

- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2010)
- Resource Adequacy Assessment (2016)
- Joint Resource Adequacy Assessment for CLECO/ELL (2017)

Colorado Springs Utilities
- 2022 Reserve Margin Study

Consumer Fund of Texas (CFT)

Dominion Energy
- 2020 Reserve Margin Study

DTE Energy
- 2025 Reserve Margin and Variable Energy Portfolio ELCC Analysis (2021)
- 2021 Reserve Margin and ELCC Study
- 2022 Resource Adequacy and LRZ7 ELCC Assessment

Duke Energy
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2012, 2016, and 2020)
- 2020 RM Study
- Solar ELCC and Renewable Integration Studies (2018)
- Battery ELCC Study (2020)
- SISC Study (2021)
- 2022 ELCC Study
- 2023 Resource Adequacy Study

Eastern Interconnection States’ Planning Council (EISPC)

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Research projects studying reliability impact and flexibility requirements needed with increased penetration of intermittent resources (2013)
- Risk-Based Planning Tool to analyze system reliability metrics (2014 – Present)


- 2022 Reserve Margin Study

- Reserve Margin Study requested by the PUCT, examining an array of physical reliability metrics (ERCOT Reserve Margin Reliability Standards Analysis) (2014)
- Economic Optimal Reserve Margin Study in cooperation with the Brattle Group. The report examined total system costs, generator energy margins, reliability metrics, and economics under various market structures (energy only vs. capacity markets) (ERCOT MERM Report (2014) & ERCOT MERM Report (2018))
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) (2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022)
- Reserve Margin Study (2020)
- ELCC Study (2022)
- Zonal Reliability Report (2022)

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

Grid United

- Resource Adequacy Assessments (2015, 2018, 2020)
- Solar Integration Study (2019)
- Reserve Margin Study (2021, 2023)

- 2023 MISO Stakeholder Accreditation Support

- ELCC Assessment (2020)
- Reliability Support (2021, 2022)

Louisville Gas & Electric
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2010-2011)

- LOLE Study (2015)
- RAN Analysis (2020, 2021)
- Flexibility Analysis (2021)
- MRI Analysis (2023)
- DLOL Accreditation Analysis (2023/2024)
- Base LOLE Study Support (2016-2023)

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

- Reliability Assessment in NCEMC’s for all of its jurisdictions (2014–2015)

New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST)
- Valuing Capacity for Resources with Energy Limitations (2019) (Energy Limited Capacity Value Assessment Astrape)
- 2021-2022 NYISO Accreditation Support

NextEra Energy
- 2023 MISO Stakeholder Accreditation Support

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
- Flexibility Requirement Study (2014)
- LTPP studies (2014)
- Flexibility Metrics and Standards Project – A California Energy Systems for the 21st Century (CES-21) Project (CES-21, CES-21 Appendix, MAG Workshop CES-21, Attachment to GIFM Final Report (9-12-17), CES-21 CPUC Workshop (Jan 2016), CES-21 Documentation of 11-02-2015 Cases)
- ELCC and Renewable Cost Integration Studies (2017)
- Mid-term Reliability Assessment of CAISO area (2021)
- Flexibility Study (2020, 2021)

Platte River Power Authority (PRPA)

PJM in conjunction with EPRI
- Seasonal Reliability Assessment (2014)
- Risk-Based Planning Case Study (2015)

Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo)
- Reserve Margin Study (2020)

Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM)
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2013)
- Renewable Integration Study (2014 and 2015)
- Reliability and System Flexibility Study (2017) (PNM Preliminary Reliability Analysis (4-18-2017))
- IRP PRM and ELCC Studies (2020)
- Winter Resiliency Study (2021)
- Assessing Reliability for Replacement Resources (2021)
- 2022/2023 PRM/ELCC Studies for IRP
- Assessing Reliability for Replacement Resources (2022, 2023)
- 2023 IRP

Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)
- 2021 Brattle PUCT Review of Wholesale Electric Market Design
- 2022 E3 PUCT Assessment of Market Reform Options to Enhance Reliability of the ERCOT System

Sabah Electricity
- Generation Reliability Standard Study for Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (2016)
- Generation Reliability Standard Study (2017)

Santee Cooper
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2011)
- Reserve Margin and ELCC Study (2022)
- Solar Integration Study (2022)
- Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) (2023)
- Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) (2024)

Sarawak Energy
- Resource Adequacy Assessment (2018)

- ELCC study in 2017

Single Buyer Department (A ring-fenced entity within Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
- Generation Reliability Standard Study for Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (2016)

- 2023 Slice of Day Analysis

Southern Company
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Study (2007, 2010, 2013)
- Interruptible Contract Evaluation. Examined both Economics and Physical Reliability Metrics
- Various Other Resource Adequacy Assessments and Production Cost Studies, including fuel availability studies
- IRP Renewable Integration Study (2022)

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
- Parallel LOLE Study (2015)
- Battery ELCC Study (2019, 2021) (SPP 2019 Battery ELCC Study)
- Planned Maintenance Study (2020)
- Correlated Outages Analysis (2022)

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- Economic and LOLE Based Reserve Margin Studies (2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017)
- Seasonal Reserve Margin Studies (2020)
- Interruptible Contract Evaluation that Examined both Economics and Physical Reliability Metrics (2010)
- Renewable Integration Study (2016 and 2018)
- IRP Renewable Integration Study (2019)
- Intra-hour Flexibility Studies (2021)
- Reserve Margin and ELCC Study (2024)

- Capacity Demand Curve Development in cooperation with The Brattle Group (2012)

- 2023 Reserve Margin Study

U.S. Energy Storage Association (ESA)
- Capacity Value of Energy Storage in PJM (2019) (Capacity Value of Energy Storage in PJM)